Why would the US restrain itself and allow its adversaries to continue developing and perfecting a technology that can bring military advantages? Because it is in the US national interest to do so, explains Kunal Singh for the Hindustan Times.
On April 18, United States (US) vice-president, Kamala Harris, announced a national, unilateral moratorium on “destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite [ASAT] missile testing”. Harris added that the US aims to establish “a new international norm for responsible behaviour in space,” which would “benefit all nations”. Setting a norm takes time and requires the participation of several prominent actors. When China and Russia are firmly in the opposite bloc, it will be a big surprise if either of those two cooperates with the US in establishing a norm. In effect, the US is restraining only its own behaviour, even as its two major adversaries can continue to test direct-ascent ASAT missiles (allowed in international law).
Read the full article here. https://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/why-the-us-wants-a-ban-on-asat-mi...